Thursday, August 20, 2009

Public Optional

The Washinton Post reports Rpresentative Barney Frank's appearance in Dartmouth MA was targeted by supporters of perennial independent political candidate Lyndon LaRouche, who are particularly upset about a 7/22/09 Obama quote about the need for "an independent group of doctors and medical experts who are empowered to eliminate waste and inefficiency in Medicare." Somehow LaRouche's group has interpreted that statement as ordering euthanasia.

"LaRouche PAC members are giving leadership to these town hall meetings all around the country so we are being at any one that we possibly can," LaRouche PAC spokeswoman Nancy Spannaus told The Post of the group's presence in Massachusetts.

"Our Obama mustache poster symbolizes that the president is attempting to implement a Hitler (-like) health care policy," she said. "At any town hall, you'll know LaRouche people are there if you just look for the mustache."


  1. What's up with the LaRouchies?

  2. Barney wouldn't try to debate 'em... I won't try to explain 'em... Look it up!
