Friday, March 12, 2010

Editorial Judgement

Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) was pissed!

Does he have a point? Sure. Media's attention is easily diverted toward distractions, and away from matters of life and death.

Salacious obsession with his late colleague -- the recently resigned Representative/snorkeler from New York: Eric Massa, is just the latest example of an ongoing phenomenon... A compulsive craving to pig out on the flavor of the month.

But if all you saw on TV was the outburst, you never got to his real point and the irony that national security resources, like media assets, are finite and there's rationing going on... And a look at either rationale reveals the rationing isn't always rational.

Whether you think the media were ignoring the war, debate about the war or political posturing of no particular consequence, it's always a fair question to ask what isn't getting reported as media resources, airtime and attention is diverted.

So here's what we missed if we only watched the fireworks.

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