Sunday, October 10, 2010

Aerial Assault

Out here in Nevada, we're knee-deep in attack ads. And by law the big money outside groups who've commandeered all available airtime can't really spend their Supreme Court-sanctioned unlimited money telling you to vote for anyone. So, their anonymous deep-pocketed hit job money attacks viable opponents of the person they support.

The candidates could positively advocate themselves, but by and large they don't... They follow the tune of outside money, and attack, too.

The tactic isn't novel, but the look is. In the latest official Sharron Angle attack, the on-camera spokeswoman in her new commercial bears an eerie resemblance to Delaware's Christine O'Donnell.

If your campaign was already under fire for "nutty" stances on public policy, why choose an actress who's an "I'm not a witch" lookalike?

Really, Mrs. Angle... It doesn't do anything to make you look sane.

Melissa Block talked with voice-over artists Dennis Steele and Scott Sanders about how to make a threatening voice for a political ad, on the day prior to the 2006 midterms.
Dire Predictions & Disastrous Votes
Audio Embed: All Things Considered 11/6/06.

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