Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Further Firing Fall-Out

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
NPR Staffing Decision 2010: The Best F#@king News Team is there as NPR brings a tote bag full of David Sedaris books to a knife fight with Fox News.
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity
Rebecca Jarvis and the president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser discussed the controversy surrounding fired N.P.R. analyst Juan Williams on Saturday's CBS Early Show... Jasser's positions sharply contrast with the larger Council on American-Islamic Relations, which encourages social and political activism.

There probably isn't anyone worth anything in broadcast media who hasn't been fired, or won't be. It's almost always arbitrary, capricious and poorly handled. Communications executives can't communicate.

But it's all at will employment. No matter how long you've played an enjoyable role, you're a temp... And your next job is looking for work. Performers know that it's part of the game... You can be dismissed with a change of wind direction, and you trust only your own talent.

NPR's Schiller Apologized, Kinda... But Not To Juan

In an internal memo issued Sunday 10/24/10, NPR CEO Vivian Schiller conceded the firing of part-time news commentator Juan Williams (10/20) was poorly handled and poorly timed, but still stands by her decision.
"I want to apologize to you for not doing a better job of handling the termination of our relationship with Juan Williams. While we stand firmly behind that decision, I regret that we did not take the time to better prepare our messaging and to provide you with the tools to cope with the fallout from this episode. As I’m telling our Member stations in a separate memo today, I also regret that this happened when the staff and volunteers of many stations were engaged in pledge drives."
Schiller also said NPR is reviewing how Williams' firing was handled:
"We have already begun a thorough review of all aspects of our performance in this instance, a process that will continue in the coming days and weeks."
Major Garrett, now of National Journal, voluntarily departed Fox.

More: Major's Scoop On Mitch

Videos: MSNBC/Morning Joe & Countdown

1 comment:

  1. What NPR did to Juan Williams

    by ThinkAsTheyDoOrElse

    Dark humor involving a bird, a wind turbine, and funny music

