Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Persecution Complex

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Path From Peace
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Audio: NPR's All Things Considered 3/15/10, Reporter: Michele Kelemen.
Henry Kissinger once said "Israel has no foreign policy, only domestc policy." And domestic policy is the product of domestic politics. In the case of a Likud led coalition, political necessity dictates pandering to a machinegun toting minority of ultra-orthodox settlers intent on establishing a "greater Israel" but only in the sense of a geographically larger Jewish state. And that in turn leads to a political need to subvert any attempts to progress in what is euphemistically called a "peace process."

For the sake of argument consider for a moment that Israel is neither friend nor ally to the United States... And that succesive administrations' bi-partisan support is not so much a matter of strategic polcy but the product of domestic political considerations intertwined with the interests and advocacy of American Zionists, whether they're Jews, Neo-Cons or apocalyptic Evangelicals.

If there were no such domestic constituency and no such thing as AIPAC buying influence in American politics, would Israel merit the status of friend and ally based on their actions alone?

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