Thursday, October 21, 2010

Too Damn High

New York candidate Jimmy McMillan breaks down the key issue.

Videos: MSNBC & Fox Business Network

Too Damn Stupid

Video: ABC/Jimmy Kimmel Live

Too Damn Mean

Forget about "compassionate conservative"... That was so last decade; not that it was ever anything more than campaign BuSh.

Acerbic New York Times op-ed columnist Maureen Dowd characterized candidates from Queen Bee Sarah to wannabe Christine as Republican Mean Girls... Jan, Meg, Carly, Sharron, Linda, and Michele are all just grown-up versions of those teenage tormentors who would steal your boyfriend, spray-paint your locker and, just for good measure, spread rumors that you were pregnant... Maureen can be a real meanie, too.

Gail Sheehy, journalist and author, describes the new brand of aggressive female politicians "Republican insurrectionists" in an article for The Daily Beast, which includes Meg Whitman firing her immigrant housekeeper, Carly Fiorina getting caught mocking her opponent's hair, Sharron Angle attacking Harry Reid, and Linda McMahon trumpeting her success in the brutal world of professional wrestling. They're conservative women who have earned a reputation as mean girls with cutthroat personalities who play by their own rules.
Republican Mean Girls
Audio Embed: The Takeaway 10/20/10,
Hosts: John Hockenberry & Celeste Headlee

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