Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Screen Caps

How do you spend your day?

If you're like most Americans, you spent more than a third of it looking at one sort of screen or another.

A study by the Council for Research Excellence found that adult Americans spend 8 1/2 hours a day looking at a TV, computer or cell phone screen.

A story about the survey in The New York Times offers a bit of sobering information about radio: While TV remains the dominant medium for media consumption and advertising, study data suggests that computer usage has supplanted radio as the second most common media activity. (Print ranks fourth.)

The Nielsen-funded Council for Research Excellence found that most of us spend more than eight hours a day in front of a screen of some sort — and younger-end baby boomers logged more than any others, including teens.

NPR's Neda Ulaby explains the Study Parses How, When We Watch

Article: New York Times, March 27th.
Audio: NPR's All Things Considered, March 26th.

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