One in five women think it, though they would never mention it. One in five women are convinced their best friend is fat.
A poll of over 3,000 women found most have at least two friends they consider to be overweight, but they regularly lie and tell them they look great.
Almost one in two women say ALL of their friends could do with dropping a few pounds. One in 20 has even ditched a friend after she offered advice about their weight.
Only a quarter of girls have ever plucked up the courage to tell a friend she should lose a bit of weight. And they probably wished they hadn't - because 12 per cent said their friend was 'devastated' and ten per cent 'burst into tears'
The news opens a can of worms as many women try to work out which of their friends thinks 'they' are overweight… and then plan to make them cry by telling them the same.
A spokeswoman for scale-maker
Tanita, which commissioned the research, said: "This shows girlfriends talk to each other about their bodies, weight issues and dress size on a daily basis.
"However, whilst girls are comfortable talking about their own weight and criticising themselves, in truth, most girls would not be able to cope with a friend telling them they needed to slim down.
"Although friendships should be based on trust, honesty and being truthful, we are also supposed to be kind to our friends, and this means being careful about crossing the line."
Via: NewsLite