Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ongoing Anger Issues

A Life Sentence

Billy Joel's (2006) Tokyo performance of (1976) Turnstiles classic.

Rage Against The Bad Gene

Scientists have identified a gene on the X-chromosome they call “the Warrior Gene.”

But they don't mean it in the spiritual or enlightened sense of the word. If malfunctioning or non functioning, it makes people more prone to anger, aggression, hostility, a hair-trigger temper and violent behavior.

It's recessive, and can occur in both sexes, but women (with two X-chromosomes) have a greater chance of overcoming that part of their makeup, while men have only one X inherited from their mothers.

Punk rock legend Henry Rollins, of Black Flag fame, hosts a television show that investigates the possible origins of the short fuse, in which a diverse group of men agree to be genetically tested.

Born To Rage” airs at 9pm ET, Tonight 12/14/10, on NatGeo.
It's Mom's Fault
Audio Embed: BBC, PRI & WBUR's Here & Now 12/13/10,
Host: Robin Young.

Can't Fight The Seether

The Louise Post/Nina Gordon lineup from American Thighs (1994)

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