Friday, December 10, 2010

Then The Fireman Rushes In

Despite the fact the term "controlled burn" has been something of an oxymoron in that state on many occasions, a Southern California home was intentionally set on fire by local law enforcement to destroy a massive cache of bomb-making materials... Bill Whitaker reports.

Sirens come with life in the city and along the edges of downtown, you learn to distinguish between police, fire and ambulance... And to pay attention when they stop nearby.

On Thursday it was a medical call, as Las Vegas Fire and Rescue responded to an apartment where a home health care attendant hadn't received any response from her client. And whether she was new to the job, attached to her customer or witness to a particularly grisly discovery, she was inconsolable as the empty gurney made the return trip from the apartment with its resuscitation gear untouched.

Two paramedics stayed behind as the accompanying engine rolled on another call. A few minutes later a young woman from the coroner's office arrived and took over the scene.

"Who did we lose?" I asked a building staffer.

Patricia didn't know his name, but described him as "In his 60's... That's not too old is it?"

I might have thought so in high school. But not anymore.

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