Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nuclear Money Meltdown

There is probably only one issue that unites all Nevadans...

Loudly saying NO to nuclear waste.

The state, which doesn't have nuclear power, was home to open-air atomic testing in the past. And around Nevada there are stores of nuclear weapons at various Air Force bases. It is also the location of Yucca Mountain, until recently the supposed future and eternal home of an entire nation's nuclear power plant waste. No longer.

Caches of radioactive waste remain stored onsite at each power plant, including some which are obsolete and have been dismantled. The economics of waste need to be considered before more money is poured into new nukes.
Audio: PRI's Living On Earth, Host: Jeff Young. Photo: Comic book given out on tours of the Connecticut Yankee Atomic Plant, by reporter Bruce Gellerman

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